Executive Breakfast: How to create people-centric organisations and be the leader people really want to follow - The Clubhouse London

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Executive Breakfast: How to create people-centric organisations and be the leader people really want to follow

Event details




8am for breakfast, 8.30am – 10am for presentation and client panel discussion


Experience a radical and proven approach to developing leaders and unlocking organisational potential based on an understanding of what truly drives people at this event aimed at business leaders.

  • Based on a deep understanding of what truly drives people
  • Learn about a radical and proven approach to developing leaders and unlocking organisational potential
  • Drawing on experience of working with over 150k employees in over 250 global organisations
  • Based on research on over 35,000 leaders with Harvard Business Review and the best-selling HBR book ‘The Mind of the Leader’

The leaders of people-centric companies understand that it’s people who make their company successful. These companies realise that when people feel valued and cared for, they do their work with stronger intrinsic motivation, a deeper sense of meaning, and a greater level of engagement. They go the extra mile simply because they want to contribute to an organisation that cares about them.

Potential Project UK’s founder and director Louise Chester, and mindful leadership expert Daniel Stane will share how global organisations they are working with including Accenture, Unilever, Lego and Cisco have created mindful and progressive working cultures through:

  • Nurturing leadership that raises engagement and productivity
  • Developing employee programmes that support growth and well-being
  • Setting leadership expectations for humility and compassion

This is a unique opportunity to experience, first-hand, Potential Project’s radical and proven approach to developing leaders and organisational cultures based on an understanding of what truly drives people to unlock organisational potential.  This understanding comes from more than a decade of partnering with forward-thinking organisations, leading experts in neurology and mindfulness, and from Potential Project’s research study with Harvard Business Review involving 35,000 leaders around the world.

We will share insights from this research into three core qualities of long-term successful leadership and details of:

  • How to lead ourselves and others to unlock the greatest human and organisational potential
  • How to become mentally agile and truly present as a leader and foster long term organisational engagement
  • How to combine strong self-confidence with the intention to serve the greater interests of the organisation and why this inspires and enables those we lead
  • How to engender authentic, pro-social positive intentions, and how this enables us to act rationally, have the difficult conversations and make the hard decisions that serve our organisations best
  • How to enable an inclusive culture of trust and collaboration

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