An Evening with Jo Fairley Founder of Green & Black's - The Clubhouse London

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An Evening with Jo Fairley Founder of Green & Black's

Event details

“An Evening with Jo Fairley, Founder of Green & Blacks ”

THIS EVENT HAS NOW PASSED: Tuesday 14th November 2017
6.30pm – 8.30pm
The Clubhouse, 8 St. James’s Square

FREE for Members and their guests
Non-Members £25.00

Leaving school at 16 with six ‘O’ Levels, through hard work and determination Jo Fairley went on to become the UK’s youngest-ever magazine editor, setting out on her entrepreneurial journey in 1991 when she co-founded Green & Black’s Chocolate, now approaching a £100 million a year brand.

The success of Green & Black’s has enabled Jo to become a serial entrepreneur, via an award-winning organic and natural food store/bakery (Judges Bakery), The Wellington Centre (a boutique nine-room wellbeing centre) – both in her home town of Hastings – and most recently The Perfume Society, which sets out to help individuals develop their sense of smell via exploration of fragrance and the scented world.

In recognition of her work, Jo has received many awards for her own enterprise, including WorldAware Award and many Soil Association Awards (both for Green & Black’s and Judges Bakery). She has also received an Honorary Doctorate in Business Studies from Kingston University, and The Shackleton Medal for leadership and citizenship, from The Scottish Royal Geographical Society.

Please join us for an insightful evening where we will learn all about Jo’s journey!

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